Dr. Robert Go

Go Family Dental


Go Family Dental was about quality, care, and connection. It's not just about teeth—it's about people.

Products & Services Offered


Maintain your oral health and the well-being of your smile by scheduling regular dental checkups. Our dentistry provides an array of services: preventive, restorative, cosmetic, and overall oral health.


Restore a tooth or teeth back to its normal chewing function with crowns and dental bridges. This procedure provides a natural-looking restoration that can improve your oral health.


Relieve pain caused by an infected or abscessed tooth and save the natural tooth with a root canal treatment. This procedure effectively cleans and disinfects the tooth, and removes the inflamed pulp.


Elevate your oral health and enhance your smile with cosmetic dentistry. These specialized treatments offer long-lasting restorative and aesthetic dental benefits, with minimal recovery times.


For those with healthy teeth and gums, explore a new way to improve your smile with dental veneers, which can help with dental flaws and change the color, shape, and size of your natural teeth.


Establish healthy habits with ongoing teeth cleaning to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Invest in your smile and erase years of tooth stains and discoloration with teeth whitening.

What is a good lead for me?

It is great to meet new friends with the same mind set , the Business Enterpreneurs!

Dr. Robert Go

Go Family Dental

2060 S. Euclid Street
Anaheim, CA 92802





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What People are Saying

In the past 42 years I have received many good leads that have become good clients.  Many of them are still clients of the firm I am with today (This represented 50% of the clients that I merged into the new firm).  I have used many past and current members for a reliable source of good and reputable suppliers for both business and personal needs, including several members that helped me make profitable investments over the years.

Hal Grimshaw, Belden Hiramoto Liu & Co., LLP

I joined EAOC because Phil Kintz asked me. At the time the cost and early meeting time was a concern. The first six months of membership I received and extra $6000 in volume.

Gary Gregg, Creating With Glass

I have been a member for many years in several different classifications. EAOC has always provided me with a steady flow of leads. However the biggest benefit I’ve received has been “outside” of the core purpose of leads. A past member John Valentine, mentioned to me that he had heard about some industrial land for sale in Costa Mesa. I ended up buying it, building a warehouse and running my business at the time (South Coast Stationers) there for about thirty years. It was an excellent investment.

Pete Sloan,

A lead from Past member Bob Hardman eight years ago resulted in $15,000 of business. A lead from Mel Smith eight years ago resulted in $25,000 of business. Benefits of membership include direct business from other members resulting in $10,000 in business and direct business with other members that resulted in excellent service and financial savings.

Carlos Salazar, Salazar Associates

I have built my entire business on leads from the EAOC. I started my association management firm in 1981 with one client EAOC. In the last thirty four years the business has grown to fourteen associations. We employ eleven full time and one part time employee. I can trace ten of my long term clients to referrals from EAOC that brings in over $500,000 annually. The network of present and passed members has had a tremendous impact on my life.

Gayle Stewart, Gayle Stewart Enterprises

EAOC has been a reliable source of steady business for me for about thirty years. Thank You EAOC!

Pete Sloan

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